tips for dog owners

Is winter the favorite season of your canine companion, or does it prefer to hibernate indoors with you under a warm blanket? In either case, you ought to be ready to protect your dog from the dangers of the extreme cold. There is a widespread misperception among dog owners that their canines can withstand the cold much better than we do simply because they are covered in fur. This isn’t always the case, by any means. Here’s a few tips for dog owners that will help you care for your dog this winter season.

Winter Tips for Dog Owners

These lovely creatures, like humans, are used to the warmth and coziness of their shelters. Being outside in the cold may be just as challenging for them as it would be for us. Regardless of how you feel about winter, there’s one thing that’s for certain: during this season, our dogs require a little more care and attention than usual. As it starts to get cold, remember these top winter care tips for dogs and put them into practice to prevent health hazards during the colder months.

1-Get a Couple of Winter Dog Coats

Some dog breeds have been endowed with thick fur which naturally keeps them warm, even in extremely cold weather conditions. However, dogs with thinner coats may require the use of a cozy sweater or coat whenever they are out for walks or in a dog daycare Middlesex County during the winter months. A good coat for dogs covers not only the shoulders and back but also the belly and stretches down to the tail. Keep in mind, though, that coats cannot protect the ears, paws, and tail from getting frostbite. Therefore, even if a short-haired dog has a warm coat, you shouldn’t let it spend too much time outside while the temperature is below freezing point.

2-Wait Until the Temperature is Warmer

Arguably one of the most important winter care tips for dogs. Waiting until the weather is warmer before taking them outside is vital in preventing various illnesses and sensitivities. If your dog is sensitive to the cold, you should attempt to take them out for walks only in the late morning hours or whenever temperatures are milder. 

In addition, steer clear of taking a dog out for walks early in the morning or late at night. Spending time playing outside when the sun is out has additional health benefits, one of which is the production of vitamin D in both you and the dog.  To avoid the risk of choking and other accidents, it is best to play fetch with soft toys rather than sticks. If your dog enjoys chewing and chasing, you should bring a Frisbee, rubber ball, or another type of toy safe for it to play with in the winter. Taking your dog to a dog daycare Middlesex County is also a good idea as it can be where it gets its exercise and interaction with other dogs.

3-Spend Less Time Out in the Cold

Even dogs with the thickest fur will shiver in the winter, no matter how much they love the outdoors. It is possible for frostbite to affect the tail, paws, and ears of an animal. You should regularly take your dog outside for walks, activities, and playtime; however, when the temperature lowers, you shouldn’t leave it outside for extended periods of time. A good guideline would be to go out with the dog, and when you want to go back inside, the dog will probably be ready to do the same. If it is in your yard on its own, you should check on it frequently to ensure that it is not exhibiting any signs of being chilly.

4-Moisturize Your Dog

The skin of your pet can suffer significant damage from exposure to extremely dry and cold conditions. By including skin and coat supplements in its diet, you can help prevent the development of flaky skin or dry patches. Coconut oil is an excellent natural moisturizer that can support maintaining the health of your dog’s skin and coat. You can use coconut oil directly on your pet as needed if you find that its ears and paws are dry and cracked.

5-Refrain from Overfeeding the Dog

In the winter, dogs may require an additional layer of insulation; however, this layer should originate from the dog’s coat and not another layer of fat. It’s possible that sluggish behavior and the desire for fewer calories are triggered by cold conditions. Pay close attention to how active your dog is and modify its calorie intake in accordance with that. A diet that is high in quality consists of whole foods and, if possible, is based on raw meat will help ensure the dog has a healthy coat as well as high energy levels for the winter months.

Winter Care Tips for Dog Owners | The Dog Retreat

It’s crucial that you don’t let your dog suffer from the terrible winter weather. Bring it to a reputable dog daycare Middlesex County such as The Dog Retreat, as our compassionate team will always follow the proper winter care tips for dogs. At The Dog Retreat, we offer quality boarding services and dog daycare. Our outstanding customer service and loving attention set us apart from the rest. Call us today to know more about the exceptional care we provide not only to canines but their families, too!